One of the presenters is based in South Australia and is currently investigating two of our resistant varieties and trialing two new products on them so it was great to catch up with him and see the trials firsthand. It won't be a fast process and even though they are three weeks into the trial there is very little to see. The disease control was also interesting and pretty much endorsed the programs that we are running here that have had such good success over the past several years. We do have quite a bit of the disease in fairways, particularly 9R for example but the cost to treat fairways is just too high. Some new chemistry is on the horizon that will slowly make its way to Australia to give us another tool in our arsenal which will be good. Speaking of new chemistry I was lucky enough to visit Syngenta's head office in Basel Switzerland a few years back and it was amazing to say the least. They are continually trialing new compounds to create new products and in the 1960's 1 in 11,000 of these trials would make it to market compared with 1 in 140,000 now and they didn't mention the cost of this research but it's huge. And an interesting tidbit from their HQ is that Basel is located right on the border of Germany, France and Switzerland and their workforce of more than three hundred and fifty comes from the three different countries. This means that they have three separate sittings for lunch in the staff canteen to accommodate the three different cuisines!!