Just when you thought we had turned the corner weatherwise we finish up with a very ordinary week. Kudos to the weather bureau for calling the rain a week in advance although this was a week when you want them to be wrong. At least the irrigation install is on 8R fairway which is one of the driest fairways on the property but the rain prevents them from welding pipe and doing electrical connections so there has been a delay there as well.
The cooler temperatures recently have also seen a surge in Poa annua (Wintergrass) germination across the property. Greens on both courses were treated early this week with a product that is notoriously insoluble, so the rainfall has been good for that. We do normally put out a pre-emergent product that kills weeds as they germinate which is generally effective on Poa, even some of the resistant varieties we have. We didn't spray this year due to the amount of turfing we are doing with the irrigation install, as the product works by killing new roots and it can't differentiate between weeds and desirable grasses so as any turf matures, it would pick up the product and have an effect on the roots of the establishing turf.
Work on the courses was restricted with the rainfall so we took the opportunity to do some tree trimming on the entry road to the clubhouse and also replaced a couple of nets in the practice bays. Edging paths is also a good wet weather job as you are on the paths to do the work not damaging turf elsewhere.
Just a very frustrating week for greenkeepers and golfers alike and then we get a 35mm downpour on Friday afternoon to just about flood everything.