Thanks for the couple of comments and private emails regarding the removal of the ball from the putting cup both during and post Covid. Since the change of the rule to allow players to putt with the flag in I have been amazed at the number who do and I would say it is the majority. Last year when we held the junior girls tournament the vast majority of the girls left the flag in. The resulltant damage to the cup from hands, clubs and suction cups on putters has seemed to be getting worse every day. It has led to cries from Superintendents the world over for the rule to be changed back due to the damage.
Unfortunately, the apparatus shown last week is not available in a size that will fit our flagsticks which are 16mm against the 12mm size needed. The rep has said they are looking at producing one but I doubt it will be ready for Covid. I am still keen to have a look at it though to see if it can work for us.
As one of the comments mentioned last week the possibility of damage post Covid is also heightened if players do remove the flagstick and then aren't careful returning the flag to the cup and brush the side of the hole and cause damage. A few clubs I know have tried attaching the apparatus below which is commonly used on practice greens but have found that the damage when being returned to the hole outweighs the advantages.

Back to Tweed and the change in the weather is most apparent. Last Friday saw 18 degrees at 5.30am in the compound which seemed a lifetime ago to Wednesday's 6 degrees which certainly slowed growth right down. The wind chill factor is also a factor for us but when you talk to some of the southern States we really aren't that cold.
The River greens were due for a fertilise this week to help with some leaf growth and colour but unfortunately it was too windy late in the week to get it done. With the light shortening in the morning and the speed of the first groups it is getting tougher to get some of our work done in front of play.
It's the norm for us to have a staff BBQ breakfast at least once a month which has been missing since Covid but this week we finally had one which the boys all enjoyed very much. Social distancing was well and truly adhered to and we ate in shifts so that there were no gatherings happening. I did have to buy a few more pairs of tongs though!! It's only a small reward for the staff's efforts in presenting the courses but one that is very much appreciated by all the crew.