Tuesday, March 11, 2025

A really good day today with an incredible amount of material moved and mulched.  Two of the biggest trees to come down to the RHS 4W tee were among those done today.  Due to the weight of the machines they have to stay on hardstand areas and we ferry the trees to them for processing through the wood chippers.  We are also carting some material away when it is quicker to dump the material.  We have created 3 new dumping areas, one of which is in the main carpark and this material will be mulched after we finish on the courses.

The carpark traffic flow will be altered to allow us enough room to use the area as a dump site so please take care and follow signage when driving through the carpark.  There will be tippers of all sizes accessing the area so please also take care when they are in the area.

Two of the biggest to come down gone.

We do still have a golf course to maintain even though it's not being prepped for play.  Some of the crew got back to some greenkeeping today and that will continue over the coming days with the crew split between storm clean up and course maintenance.  It took 4 crew most of the day to get the greens clear of debris post TC Alfred and ready for their first mow for a week tomorrow.

All greens on both courses blown off today.


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