Monday, March 10, 2025

We only had 3 contractors on site today working on the tree program which was pretty good given life has barely returned to normal following TC Alfred.  It will vary day to day depending on prior commitments that they have had which sometimes have been booked for months. We are lucky to have such loyal companies that come to us first when we need them, as you could imagine there is a lot of work out there. Tomorrow we should move a lot faster with 6 contractors onsite but it is going to be a very, very long road, taken day by day.

The photo below shows the tree that was uprooted but leaning against other trees on RHS 3W, which was removed today.  This particular type of removal is slow and painstaking and potentially dangerous.  One contractor group concentrated on these today and removed 5 of them.  The other contractors worked on LHS 9W in front of our maintenance facility so we have access to the courses.


Uprooted but dangling.


RHS 3W down.

Given how wet the courses are following the rainfall associated with Alfred, they probably would have been closed for a week due to the flooding and it is now difficult to get the required heavy machinery around the courses.  The first goal we have is to try and get the front nine of the River course cleared and playable ASAP.

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