Friday, August 2, 2024

Another progressive week on the irrigation install with a huge amount of work done on 11W despite no sprinklers actually going in the ground.  A specialist pipe welder was onsite to join up some of the lengths of 160 and 200mm pipe and it was quite an impressive operation to see. Due to the cost of bringing this operator and machine onsite, a large amount of pipe was welded and has been stored in the rough areas of the courses until it is needed. Another temporary connection to the old system was also completed, this time joining into some 150mm pipe on the RHS of the fairway. 

The Poa annua (Wintergrass) control in the greens has been interesting this year compared to last.  Last winter / spring we got virtually no result but this year has seen a turn in our fortunes with some success, although not consistently.  We have had an excellent result on the River greens and a not so good on the West although there is still some result evident  An interesting photo below from 10R green where a potentially resistant plant in the square box looks relatively unharmed by our applications whereas the circled plants are as dead as you could want them.  On the West course I mentioned a while back that we have been given a product free of charge to trial and we used that on 5 and 6W greens which were the most infested last year.  It has now been applied three times with limited success although at the higher rate on 5W the plants are definitely thinner and less vigorous.  It's still a work in progress and it's one of the great things about the job that you never stop learning.  

2 dead plants and 1 not so?


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