Friday, February 10, 2017

12 West green was able to be opened last week which brings to an end the grow in phase for the new Tifeagle greens.  We now enter the "finishing" phase with a lot of work needed to tie the greens in to the surrounds that started a few weeks ago with the collars being heavily scarified which is an operation that will happen again when time permits.  The LHS of 10W has had a couple of runs of turf removed to lower the lip against the green which will re-generate quite quickly.  It has certainly been a project full of long hours and hard work and is a credit to the staff and contractors involved.  Also a big thanks to the members for your support and understanding throughout the process.  I am amazed with the positive comments I have continually received from players throughout particularly when there were eight temporary greens in play.

As mentioned last week the new West greens were all given a heavy sanding this week to assist in leveling up the putting surface and to get them as consistent as possible.  It is a very important step in the development of the playing surface and now means that we can concentrate on all the greens utilising the same green keeping practices and watch them mature and get better by the day.

I thought I would try something a bit different this week and have included a couple of videos explaining one of the jobs that we do that gets regularly questioned.  Hope you enjoy them!

And finally the camouflage skills of Tawny Frog Mouth owls never ceases to amaze me although these two were perched in a Casuarina right in the drive zone on the RHS 11W so I hope they got through the day unscathed!

Hard to see!!

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